Monday, May 30, 2016

random Update(?) and some doll photography...

This is a long overdue post, but I decided to combine it with another thing. So here is some pictures i took of my Lanie doll outside. She is really photogenic, so I thought I'd share some pictures with you.

I love her so much, and I especially like taking pictures of her outside.

Next, I have a random Monster High update. Today we were at the flea market and I happened to stumble across this dawn-of-the-dance Clawdeen for $2.00(!!!) She came in "okay" shape....
 she included her original dress, but the trim is fraying in the back, and it's missing one of the belts (the green ribbon one).
 Her face is a little dirty, but it's nothing I cant' handle. Her paint's in nice shape,
 Her legs were also a little dirty (I'm pretty sure she was a "well loved" doll ;)
 Her hair still has a fair amont of gel in it........
 ....but to my surprise she came with all of her earrings!!!!!!
 I didn't know what to do for her face (we don't have any magic erasers), my mom said try some of that baking soda mix I use for my American Girl dolls, so I tried that.
 Here we go....all set up.
 the turnout was pretty good.
 I had to trim a couple of extra long hairs....
 and, as I always get when I find a new Monster High doll, I was inspired to dump out all of my accesories to look through them, and try some on Clawdeen.
Here are all three of my older Monster High dolls I found second hand (the middle one is a Skull Shores Ghoulia my sister found at a yardsale and eventually gave to me, and I customised her.)
Here is one of clawdeens' hands next to an extra hand my sister and I found in the parking lot by our mamaw's apartment. We believe it's a Dawn-of-the-Dance Clawdeen hand.
Clawdeen decided on these cute sunglasses from my Mirror Beach Ashlynn (another custom)
It was fun to pose her with her new glasses, I like the way the pink color goes with her lime green hair.

another pic:

Here she is with my original Gloom Beach Clawdeen, who I also found with all of her earrings a few months ago (but sadly, not her original outfit, I've been considering buying the re-release and using that outfit for this doll and customising the new doll.)
And here are my three rescues, all together!

I really enjoy finding secondhand Monster High dolls and figuring out which ones they are. I usually look them up on eBay later and see how much of a deal I got.

Also, I'm sorry for taking so long to post, but it takes forever to upload all the pictures I need to the blog, and i am a bit of a procrastinator, to be honest.

ttfn, Katt

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